Sunday, February 1, 2015

Connection is Life

It's a personal truth: connection to others drives me. And disconnection makes me feel lonely, unmotivated--sad.

This weekend, I'm taking the time to reconnect with family and friends. Sometimes my dedication to my job--the planning, the grading, the ski club chaperoning, the letter of recommendation writing, the committee attending, the professional development thinking, the unsettled contract contemplating--just gets in the way of being in the moment with those who mean most to me.

But yesterday? I coached my youngest daughter in her first basketball game ever. I skied with the twins and had meaningful conversation up the chair lifts. I played a board game. I watched Empire Strikes Back. I ate popcorn. I had a late-night texting conversation with my Swiss exchange daughter who's having an incredible time in Disney World. I was all in on life, on the moment. I was connecting. And when I connect, I'm most alive.

This blog helps me connect as well, so it's now officially time to bring it back. With my quick writes, I get to connect to myself. Sure, I'm very thankful for those of you who do read these words (to be frank, I'm not sure I'd do this if you didn't--remember, the whole connection to others thing), but it allows me to check in with who I am, who I was, and who I want to be.

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